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德润斯模具有限公司成立于2005年,是一个创新型的企业,是顶级工具钢的提供者和开发者。与欧洲钢厂紧密合作,从实际应用为基础定向研发世界顶级品质工具材料 . 颠覆传统突破常规,以创新的思维和创造的理念,服务于国内模具制造业,机床设备制造业,工具制造业等各大领域.我们可以为客户的实际应用提供全方位的解决方案及工程服务,我们的主要任务是帮助客户提高竞争优势,实现高效率低成本。尤其是在热冲压成形,钛合金温成形,碳纤维成形,铝或镁合金压铸成形及各种工程塑料复合性材料成形等领域。
DERNS MOULD (Changzhou)CO.,LTD was founded in 2005,It is an innovative company , is a Provider & Designer of first-class tool materials .Work closely with the European steel mills to directional research the high quality tool steel based on practical application. It overturn the tradition and breaks through conventional tool material , with innovative mind and creative ideas to serving the various industry fields .We can provide comprehensive solutions and engineering services for customers' practical application. Our main mission is to help customers improve their competitive advantages and support them achieve high efficiency -low cost. .especially in the hot stamping, carbon fibre forming, aluminum alloy die casting and all kind of engineering plastic compound matrials forming etc.